Robert E. Agee Linda
Dianne Barnes
Louise Brady Robert "Bob" Broadway
James Edwin Carter John B. Chandler
Shirley Ann Crisp Mary Jane Darden
Sandra Jean Dickey Robert H. Dodd
Catherine Ann Duschel Jennie Lee Edwards
Ronnie Dale Harris Cherell L. Henderson
Carolyn Sue Hughes Barbara Ruth Hunt
Wm. Haskell "Bill" McCormick, Jr. Lynn Teau McGee
James Michael McNees Laura Grace Montgomery
Kay Mullins Phyllis
C. Mullins
Linda Jill Myers Sandra Marguerite Newman
Carla Pace (Lewis) Sherry Sue Pafford
Sandra Adele Parks Janice Lynne Paschall
Patricia Ann "Pat" Phillips Brenda Raifsnider
Elizabeth Ray Edward
D. Smith
Robert M. Smith Ayfer
Vicki Wells Jerry Washam Wheeler
Out of a class of around 430 people, 36 missing isn't too bad........
but it needs to be zero.
Please help!