

Our 50th Reunion
was held
June 8th and 9th, 2012.
(Click on 50th REUNION PHOTOS at top of page for pictures.)
On Friday night, we enjoyed a cocktail reception with nibbles and jazz at the offices of Askew Nixon Ferguson Architects from 6:30 to 9:00

The fun continued on Saturday night with a dinner buffet followed by dancing and reminiscing with DJ Alex Ward and his Pig and Whistle Show at
 Germantown Country Club.
Special thanks to these classmates
who have worked hard to make our reunion successful:
  Class of 61                                               Class of 62
       Lee Askew                                         David Van Hoozer
                         Judy Kaplan McCown                               Linda Kay Everett                                    
                      Jo Ann Hale Petty                                 Dorris Gentry Porter
                Saralyn Rosenberg Weiss                  
    Bobby Meeks, '61 Webmaster 
                                                Martha Johnson Purcell, '62 Webmistress
Below are the 50th reunion attendees from the 1962 class:

Acred, Buddy & Susan Kurts-Acred

Aitken, Roger

Ajello, Don & Linda Illsley

Anderson, Doug & Carol

Barton, Hardy & Patsy

Beck, Glenda

Becker, Al

Bell, Lamar & Patsy

Bobo, Jane (Wentz)

Bowdon, Mickey & Cheryl

Brennan, Shirley (Turner) & Bob

Brooks, John(Glenda)

Buchanan, Christie (Bowling)

Burk, Tom

Burrow, Mary Jo (Carson)

Burson, Charles & Bunny

Callison, Susan

Canada, Susan (Kile)

Cassen, Katy (Sexton)

Challen, Erin (Billard)

Chandler, Madelyn (Brown) & John

Chase, Steve & Melanie

Childress, Linda (Beckham)

Clark, Sonia (DeLorio)

Clement, Neal & Patte

Clifton, Mary Jane

Coleman, Carmen (Reagan)

Colley, Jim & Cathey

Collins, Fran (Rooney)

Comin, Tim & Barbara

Conaway, Cavett

Crabb, Dolores (Fitzgerald) & Joe

Crabb, Jane (Druff)

Croswell, Clyde & Mizue

Dunn, David

Everett, Linda

Fishman, Lana (Teplick)

Gaines, Tommy & Layne Beaumont Gaines

Garland, Larry & Janet

Gentry, Dorris (Porter) & Ron

Gieselmann, Jim & Donna

Goodwin, Molly

Graham, Jim & Cathy

Grayson, David

Grear, John & Patty

Gregory, Robert

Griffin, Bob & Michelle

Griffin, Will & Elise

Gruenberg, Paula (McGlamery) & Wiley

Harwell, Mary Cay (Long)

Henking, Dana & Barbara

Holder, Mariella (James) & Dick

Holeman, Elizabeth (Cary) & Bill

Hume, Bob

Hutchison, Martha (Kreamer) & Paul

Ingram, Mildred (Dyer) & Frank

Johnson, Larry & Bettye Jo

Johnson, Martha (Purcell) & Neal

Justice, Doris (Langford)

Kensinger, Jimmy & Nancy

Kirsch, Joe & Ronni

Kramer, Billy & Rita

Lamb, Nancy (Kirby)

Landstreet, Herb & Marsha

Laughlin, Lynda (Dyer)

Lebovitz, Susan (Feinberg) & Fred 

Lenow, Raymond & Karen

Lessel, Pat & Ray Kirby

Levitch, JoAnn (Weiss) & Dennis

Lewis, Barbara (Michalove) & Paul

Link, Jimmy & Gail

Lockman, Bill & Reba

Long, James M & Joyce

Mann, Carolyn (Smith)

McCall, Carol (Richardson) & Greer

McDonald, Kathy (Kallaher) 

McDougall, Stan

McWhorter, Lyn & Kaye

Meeks, Joyce (Upchurch) &Tom

Miles, Robert, Jr

Miller, Ferman

Moore, Jo Eddye (Robinson) & Charles

Moss, Mimi (Boyd) & Milton

Nash, Jane (Smothers) & Jerry

Nemetz, Shelley (Fisher) & Alec Bigelson

Nicholson, Janet (Schmucker)

O’keefe, Steve & Cynthia

Olive, Bettye Jo (Johnson) and Larry

Patton, Anne (Boykin) & Bill

Pearson, Bettye (Godwin) & Bob

Pence, Betty (East) & Bobby

Pickens, Carole (White)

Pirtle, Cordell & Tawanda

Pohl, Jerry & Linda

Porter, Ron & Dorris Gentry Porter

Prescott, Jere & Audrey

Pruette, Ronnie & Sandy Hoover

Reid, Billy & Peggy

Ries, Judy (Dale) & Dee

Ringger, Patsy (Ellis) & Nat

Roach, Bill

Robison, Donna

Rodriguez, Sally (Scott) & Frank

Rogers, Sheila (Cocke)

Rosen, Trudy (Belz) & Russell Strauss

Rosenberg, Toby (Klein) & Walter

Ryland, Shirley (Butt) & Tom

Salky, Barry & Alma

Sanderson, Bill & Sharon

Sandridge, Bannie (Kelly) & Buddy

Scott, Bud & Jackie

Shankman, Steve & Rachel

Shaw, Suzanne (Thompson) & Duncan

Sherman, Marxann (Lazar) & Eddie

Shetler, David & Jan

Simank, John & Sandra (class of '63)

Sims, Steve & Nancy

Slover, Paul & Jean

Smith, Ann (Arnold)

Smith, Jim & Margaret

Starr, Bill

Stauber, Lane (Driscoll)

Stratton, Gene & Gina

Summars, Ron

Sumner, Dee (Broadfoot) & Bill

Tansey, Marian (Smith) & E. Dwayne

Taras, Dimitri & Mary Katherine

Tichenor, Steve

Tindall, Doug

Treace, John

Tucker, Corilee (Jager) & Gail

Tucker, Rob & Sherry

Tunstill, Jack & Ginger

Turnage, Peggy (Hoerning)

Van Hoozer, David & Carol

Watkins, Bob & Kathy Williams

Weaver, Lynn & Linda

Welden, Judy (Wilson) & Clyde

Whitmore, Susan (Shunny)

Wilder, Bob & Betty

Wooldridge, NaDean (Freudenberg) & Don

Young, Ellen (Salky) & Sammy

Young, Kathy (Eck) & David

And speaking of lists:
Here is an interesting list of 1962 classmates who married fellow CHS classmates and are still together:
Tommy Gaines '62  &  Layne Beaumont '62
Marvin Nelli '62  &  Shirley Gott '62
Ron Porter '62  &  Dorris Gentry '62
Rob Tucker '62
  &  Sherry Brunner '62
Lamar Bell '62  &  Patsy Sayle '63
Jane Bobo '62  &  Clyde Wentz '60
Larry Garland '62  &  Janet Peterson '64 
John Grear '62  &  Patty Wallace '63
Larry Johnson '62  &  Bettye Jo Olive '63
Lynda Laughlin '62  &  Steve Dyer '60
Jimmy Link '62  &  Gail Cottrell '64
 Carol McCall '62  &  Greer Richardson '61
Carole Pickens '62  &  Tom White '58 
Billy Reid '62  &  Peggy Nash '63
Marxann Sherman '62  &  Eddie Lazar '59
David Van Hoozer '62  &  Carol Thompson '63
Hal Canary '61 & Kathy Carroll '61
Boswell Hale '61 & Courtney Lewis-Hale '64
Shirley Sher '61 & Gordon Gruen '59
Attendees from the class of '61:

Askew, Lee  & Annie      

Baker, Rick

Ball, Marianne (Tucker) & David    

Bennett, Shirley (Bullard) 

Blackwell, Ceylon

Blalock, Ken

Brindley, Ed & Carolyn

Bronson, Ann (Uden)

Brown, Barbara (Brinkley) & Lew   

Buderman, Helene (Urbaitel) 

Buring, Raymond         

Butler, Joan (Carter)

Butler, Jane

Canary, Hal & Kathy Carroll 

Carroll, Kathy & Hal Canary

Carter, Harvey

Cash, Linda (Thomas) & Buck

Cobb, Bill & Judy

Cole, Betty Thompson & Jim 

Collins, Earl & Kim

Cowling, Joanne (Banks) & Larry       

Crain, Des

Crump, Jeanine (Kahrs)            

Davis, Fran (Rittenberry) & Andy

Davis, Harriet (Morris)

Dilling, Carol (Wayman) & Phil

Eliezer, Israel Ben

Embury, Barbara (Keeling)

Epstein, Linda (Singer) & Mrs.Frances Epstein

Erwin, Johnny & Julie Best

Fisher, Carl & Lois

Flinn, Sonny

Foust, Pansy (Tomlinson)

Freedman, Edward & Lynn

Friedman, Alan & Debby

Garner, Helen (Hiatt) & Yaacov Daniel 

Garrett, Donald & Sara     

Gause, Bill & Chris                   

George, Clarence & Beebe Woodside

Gilbert, Joan                                               

Grusin, Marty & Gayle

Hackel, Sara (Tick) & Irv

Hale, Boswell & Courtney Lewis Hale

Hale, Jo Ann (Petty)

Halford, Jack  & Mary Lou    

Hamilton, Fred & Jan

Harless, Mike & Mickey Clippard    

Hawke, Marilyn (Melfi) & Alfred

Hays, Jimmy & Lynda     

Hettinger, Christian

Howell, Genie (Taylor) & Ellis

Jack, Michael & Ann

Kaplan, Judy (McCown) & Pete Lemmon

Kindig, Sally (Clark) & John

Lee, Pam (Breeckner) & Doug  

Leslie, Merrill Ann (Cole) & Sam

Lloyd, Tom & Carrye        

Loskove, Arlene (Averbuch) & Jerry

Love, Linda (Echols) & Charles

Makowsky, Beverly (Frank)

Manis, Marcia (Fisher) & Tom 

Mason, Ron & Marilyn       

McGarrity, Pat & Carol

McLean, Bob &  Sydney

Meeks, Bobby &  Sherry           

Miller, Clark &  Monica            

Mitchell, Howard & Nurlita Kaul

Moore, David & Judie

Moss, Anna (Wilbanks) & Ron  

Newman, Larry & Beth

Packer, Bob         

Painter, Janet (Beasy) & Van

Pigott, Susan (Lindsay) & Arthur Harris

Poduska, Peggy (Rogers) & Don

Pugh, Beverly (Smith) & Sidney    

Raines, Donna (Bowling)

Richardson, Greer & Carol

Rosenberg, Saralyn (Weiss) & Danny

Sauer, Norma (Loren)

Schwendimann, Tommy & Judy

Sher, Shirley (Gruen) & Gordon

Smith, Julie (Hahn)

Springer, Carole (Angel)

Waddey, Larry & Vicky      

Wallace, Paul & Crystal & Diana Callihan

Walton, Jim & Pat     

Webb, John & Ginny   

Weiner, Sharon (Kustoff) & Bernie     

Wener, Lester & Gail    

Zangwill, Terri (Cohen)




1961 and 1962
Our 45th reunion was held the weekend of
June 1 - 3, 2007
All of us enjoyed reuniting on Friday night at Lee Askew's architectural firm.
On Saturday morning we got to see the improvements and additions to our alma mater.
Then on Saturday evening we danced the night away with The Reflections.
Of course the night wouldn't have been complete without hearing from our own Tommy Burk and The Counts!
Many thanks to David Van Hoozer, Judie Kaplan, and their helpers who put together an incredible weekend. 

Below is a list of people who attended our 45th reunion:
(Spouses and/or dates are not included)

ATTENDEES from the CLASS of 1962


Aitken, Rodger

Anderson, Doug

Arnold, John

Barton, Hardy

Becker, Al

Boggs, Thomas

Bowen, David

Brennan, Shirley (Turner)

Brooks, John

Brown, Bill

Burk, Tommy

Callison, Susan

Canada, Susan (Kile)

Chandler, Madelyn (Brown)

Chase, Steve

Childress, Linda (Beckham)

Clark, Sonia (DiLorio)

Clement, Neal

Clifton, Mary Jane

Conaway, Cavett

Court, Suzanne (Posternock)

Crabb, Jane (Druff)

Crone, Peggy (Williams)

Davis, Steve

Edge, Charlotte (Boggs)

Gantt, Briane (Lawler)

Garland, Larry

Gentry, Dorris (Porter)

Gieselmann, Jim

Gongleski, Frank

Graham, Jim

Grear, John

Griffin, William


Gruenberg, Paula (McGlamery)

Guenther, Linn (Acree)

Gullett, B. J.

Hamlin, Liz (Williams)

Holeman, Liz (Cary)

Hume, Bob

Ingram, Mildred (Dyer)

Johnson, Larry

Johnson, Martha (Purcell)

Kirsch, Joe

Lamb, Nancy (Kirby)

Laughlin, Lynda (Dyer)

Lessel, Patsy (Kirby)

Letellier, Jackie

Malone, Molly (Dyer)

Mann, Carolyn (Smith)

McCall, Carol (Richardson)

McDonald, Kathy (Kallaher)

Meeks, Joyce (Upchurch)

Miles, Bob

Moore, Marjorie (Imfeld)

Moss, Mimi (Boyd)

Nash, Jane (Smothers)
Nicholson, Janet (Schmucker)

Olive, Bettye Jo (Johnson)

Patten, Anne (Boykin)

Pearson, Bettye (Etter)

Pirtle, Cordell

Porter, Ron

Ragsdale, Tom

Reagan, Carmen (Coleman)

Reid, Billy

Robison, Donna

Rogers, Sheila (Cocke)

Rosen, Trudy (Belz)

Ryland, Shirley (Butt)

Salky, Barry

Scott, Bud

Sherman, Marxann (Lazar)

Sims, Steve

Slater, Jean (Armstrong)

Smith, Ann (Arnold)

Stauber, Lane (Driscoll)

Stoker, Mike

Stratton, Gene

Tansey, Marian (Smith)

Tindall, Doug
Treace, John
Turnage, Peggy (Hoerning)
Van Hoozer, David
Weatherford, Elizabeth
Weaver, Lynn
Whitmore, Susan (Shunny)

Wilder, Bobby

Wilkerson, Linda (Zachry)

Wooldridge, NaDean (Freudenberg)

Young, Ellen (Salky)
Young, Kathy (Eck)

ATTENDEES from the CLASS of 1961


Lee Askew

Bobby Barnett

Ceylon Blackwell

Ken Blalack

Ann Bronson (Uden)

Barbara Brown (Brinkley)                  

Betsy Brown (Lowery)

Helene Buderman (Urbaitel)

Linda Cash (Thomas)

Doyle Childress

Betty Cole (Thompson)

Des Crain                                 

Fran Davis (Rittenberry)                   

Carole Dilling (Wayman)                    

Terry Downs (Nelson)

Nadolyn Edelson (Karchmer)

Carl Fisher

Judy Freeman

Alan Friedman

Helen Garner (Hiatt)

Donald Garrett                                            

Ronald Garrett

Bill Gause       

Joan Gilbert

Sid Gover

Marty Grusin                                       

Sara Hackel (Tick)                               

Boswell Hale

Jo Ann Hale (Petty)

Jack Halford

Fred Hamilton

Mike Harless

Barbara Harper (Lawrence)

Genie Howell (Taylor)

Jim Jones

Judy Kaplan (McCown)

Pam Lee (Breeckner)

Merrill Ann Leslie (Cole)

James Long

Linda Love (Echols)                            

Linda McClamroch (Chappel)

Pat McGarrity 

Leo McKinnon

Bobby Meeks

Clark Miller                                         

Howard Mitchell

Janet Painter (Beasy)                         

Jane Payne (Threlkeld)

Peggy Poduska (Rogers)

Jere Prescott                                      

Mary Ann Remaklus (Ready)             

Saralyn Rosenberg (Weiss)

Winn Stephenson

Cliff Tarver

Larry Waddey

Jim Walton

John Webb

Sharon Weiner (Kustoff)

Pam Wingo

Anna Woodard (Williams)  





Charles Biter

Wayne and Joan Claiborne

Jim Cole

Camille Holt

Cristina Muller (Pinkham)

Marylu Owings (Dugall)

Debbie and Lionel Rowland

David Shetler




Al Brown

Tamara Miller

Aileen Mitchell

Martha Wallace
